Jun 27, 2023Liked by Open Source Defense

> It holds that the opposite is true of owning guns: “In contrast, bringing a gun into one’s home clearly makes it more dangerous: A gun in the home substantially increases the likelihood that a household member will die by a gun, whether by homicide, suicide, or accidental shootings.”

This one grinds my gears so hard. FALLACY OF DIVISION

If you run the statistics and find that houses with guns have more violence than houses without guns, you CANNOT draw any conclusion about specific individuals, only their collective average statistics.

In a lot of cases, this can be confusing and counter-intuitive, but with guns it's really really concrete and obvious, and I have to believe that people are maliciously feigning ignorance when they go along with it.

There's a really simple solution to the problem of "guns in home makes more violence": DON'T DO A CRIME AND DON'T SHOOT SOMEONE. You have individualized knowledge of your own propensity towards violence that overrides statistical averages about the entire country. Whether or not bringing a gun into _your_ house makes _you_ more or less safe is not something that statistics can answer like this. Only you can answer it!

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Jun 28, 2023Liked by Open Source Defense

"Nick Buttrick, a psychologist at University of Wisconsin-Madison, wanted to know whether firearms provided similar comfort to gun owners, serving as a sort of psychological security blanket."

"'If you came from a gun-owning household, just having a gun present makes you feel more at ease,' said Dr. Buttrick, whose study has not yet been published."

A source of comfort in uncomfortable situations can be of two kinds, placebic or causal. Normally, the placebic comfort *becomes* a placebo precisely *because* it is causally effective in other situations. A safety blanket makes you feel more comfortable just to hold because it *actually* makes you more comfortable on cold nights. So if a gun gives a person familiar with them ease just by holding it, it's a pretty good bet that it has *actually* helped them in the past.

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LMAO I literally can't even with that 'study' from U dub madison. These people are so incredibly useless

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