Feb 14Liked by Open Source Defense

After reading this, I am left wondering whether most tourists really are prohibited and how I might find that out. The US has visa waivers with 39 countries, including Germany, Japan, Holland, England, Australia, Canada and many other countries. It seems plausible to me that most tourists actually enter under the visa waiver program.

That said, it is a curious fact that a tourist without a visa can legally shoot at a range but the same person, if they come back as a student, can't.

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Feb 6Liked by Open Source Defense

I'm of the opinion that civilian prohibitions on nuclear weapons are ultimately unenforceable.

Sure, if you can stop them before it is complete, and it's hard to build one of these in secret, then you have a solid case. This is why you do your development and build in some facility in international waters or some other difficult to control place. This is starting to sound supervillain-ish, but sometimes you just gotta be that way.

The instant they have a functional nuclear explosive device, however, they are now a state-level actor and outside of conventional law.

Nukes are the Sam Colt of international diplomacy.

And much like the Torment Nexus, someone will eventually build it, because if they don't then someone else will, and then you'll be behind the ball.

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