Who owns it?

I couldn't find an "About Us" page on the website

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Huh. From their website

> What is a programmatic ad platform?

I can't say any details, because I don't want to dox myself, but I work as a software engineer at a mainstream company whose business is exactly this, except mainstream not 2A. I work on internal stuff, so I have very little understanding or exposure to the programmatic advertising part of the company, but I did have to learn a bunch about it in onboarding. Neat!

I probably have a noncompete that stops me from jumping ship to another advertising company, but just for future reference: is Armanet hiring software engineers any time in the next year or two, and where's their company at? Are they super lean, pay-in-equity startup mode or can they afford market rate salaries? And how do they feel about green card sponsorship?


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