I am in Black Mountain, NC. It looks like a bomb went off throughout most of Buncombe county that I've been able to see. For the first 3 or 4 days, there were no roads into our area and us locals had to do it all: clear trees and cars out of roadways, prop up downed power lines so traffic could drive under them, get people and pets out of demolished homes, deliver food and water to our neighbors, etc.. I assure you that anyone who saw what went on here will tell you that "authorized rescuers" are not the only legitimate rescuers.

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Good to know

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There are going to be 2A stories that come out of this disaster, like this "News Max" guy that tries to explain/justify why some North Carolinians "mountain men" might have had a bad experience with FEMA.

“And they are also the kind of people who exercise their second amendment rights to bear arms. It is perfectly normal for them go to a FEMA aid station while carrying a firearm.

And if they get some FEMA employee who grew up in San Francisco or New York City, that city boy is probably going to be terrified when some mountain man with an AR-15 on his back just walks through their tent door."


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Good point

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There are two stories below that this lady tells.

One sad story she tells verbally in this interview:

"They still have a 163 kids in the school system that are unaccounted for. "

Second story is the casual open carry sidearm on her hip.


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