Jan 4, 2021Liked by Open Source Defense

That NPR Code Switch piece Black And Up In Arms (https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2020/12/09/944615029/black-and-up-in-arms and https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2020/12/22/949169826/from-negro-militias-to-black-armament) is, as you note, well reported. It's surprising they managed to keep the overall tone so balanced while their collaborator from The Trace kept tossing her grenades of conflation, obfuscation, and misdirection. Her interjections aren't in the textual version, only the audio version (https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2020/12/09/944615029/black-and-up-in-arms).

They recited scary statistics about numbers of homicides and suicides but neglected to mention justified homicides, or the CDC's appraisal of annual defensive gun uses. Maybe their Trace collaborator didn't bring that notebook with her that day.

They closed by saying they'll address guns more in 2021; hopefully they'll touch on how restrictive laws (e.g. licensure regimes and discretionary may-issue) have disproportionate impact on disfavored minorities.

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Our idiot neighbors who needed a job (our "government") who asked for the job to serve us but suddenly deem themselves our "keepers", need to be compelled, at the crown of a cannon, to admit that they weren't hired to "protect us" on an individual level, because doing so is impossible, even for themselves.

So when they come out with pronouncements and "regulations" that rest on the back of the notion that they are for our protection needs to get such 'pronouncers' and 'regulators' chucked out along with their pronouncements and regulations.

Men who are not "self-governed" are not governable otherwise, and all laws are are a bs honor system if they are relied upon for any form of "safety", and they in-no-way support Society.

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Time to ask ourselves if it's time to invoke the 2nd Paragraph of the Declaration of Independence. It's your "duty" to (chuck and) replace your government "whenever" you see fit. It is imperative when they give you strong reasons.

There's no way our Founders / Framers wrote the 2nd Paragraph of the Declaration, and yet wanted us to have to ask that government, that needed replacing, for the means or the permission to obtain the means to do so. Therefore, the 2nd Amendment demands Parity of arms with our government, and it's not our fault what that parity might entail.

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